How to Improve Brain Speed and Memory Space?
Did you forget your keys of your Apartments or you remember the faces of people , but not their names . Memory decline in people over 40 years of age is very common practice today . But the disease can also be avoided .
How to Improve Brain Speed and Memory Space? |
● Ayurveda says that the memory can be increased at any age . Provided you become aware of certain things and some things make up an important part of their lives ." Some tips to improve memory
1) Be Active - Be active for at least 5 days per week . Fresh air up to 30 minutes to walk or bicycle hand Yoga 12 , which says that Sun Salyut
2) Breathe: - Such procedures , do yoga is to breathe through the nose, as opposed mortician . They are activated our left and right Misfire and memory is fine .Stand straight and take a deep breath . Looked at the sky breathe . His chin toward the chest while breathing look at the ground . To do this 7 times .
3) Read something :-Our memory is like our muscle. When there is no way the use of muscle weakness that does not practice the same way our memory is also constantly weakens
These natural tips are very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing. But also taking Herbal Brain Boosting Supplements for fast results.